Kushi It is an upcoming Indian Telugu language romantic comedy & Drama movie written & Helmed by Shiva Nirvana. Produced by Mythri Movie creators, it Performer Vijay Deverakonda & Samantha. . College friends Jenny & Shiva part ways due to a mix-up. Although they are in love & realize they can not live without each other, their egos put a stop to them from Stick Together. Kushi film is a Kashmir set romantic, Action & drama. Throughout the movie, which deals with long distance relationships, we can watch Shiva Nirvana’s Stamp writing. It is an upcoming Indian Telugu language romantic comedy & Drama movie written & Helmed by Shiva Nirvana. Produced by Mythri Movie creators, it Performer Vijay Deverakonda & Samantha. The Movie is scheduled to announce in movie hall on 1 September 2023 during